Resources & Updates on the DOL Fiduciary 3.0 Rule. Learn more and get involved here!

Finseca PAC

Political Action Committees (PACs) are a common tool used by associations, businesses, and other organizations to advance their advocacy efforts in Washington, D.C. By supporting lawmakers who understand and appreciate our industry, we can foster an environment that creates more opportunities for financial security professionals to work with Americans to plan responsibly and effectively for their futures. Through contributions from members, Finseca PAC directly supports federal candidates to strengthen the profession’s collective voice.

*Contributions to Finseca PAC are not tax deductible. All contributions are voluntary and will be used for political purposes. You have the right to refuse to contribute without any reprisal. Any guidelines above are merely suggestions. You are free to contribute more or less than the guidelines suggest. Finseca will not favor or disfavor anyone by reason of the amount of your contribution or by a decision not to contribute.


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Together, we elevate our profession by serving the needs of our members. We protect dreams and promote financial wellbeing for all. We are the home of the top financial security professionals. Together, we are Finseca.


Finseca events put insight and intentionality front and center, helping financial security professionals protect and enhance the financial well-being of people, families, and businesses everywhere.


As the home of the top financial security professionals, Finseca will elevate the reputation and visibility of the work our members do.


Access searchable content in one place! It has never been easier to find what you need to accelerate your business and maximize results. From deeper dives into diverse topics on policy and regulation, to one-pagers and webinars featuring experienced industry leaders, the Finseca Resource Library is your one-stop shop for quick and actionable tools.


Finseca’s Communities are designed to help meet the needs of each unique community within the financial security profession. Our model brings the profession together for issues that impact everyone, while also providing a customized, community-focused structure for discussion and collaboration in a more intimate setting for different areas of the profession.