October is PACtober

Political Action Committees (PACs) are a common tool used by associations, businesses, and other organizations to advance their advocacy efforts in Washington, D.C. By supporting lawmakers who understand and appreciate our industry, we can foster an environment that creates more opportunities for financial security professionals to work with Americans to plan responsibly and effectively for their futures. Through contributions from members, Finseca PAC directly supports federal candidates to strengthen the profession’s collective voice.

See where we are!

*as of October 31, 2024

2024 (5)

October is PACTOBER, the annual fundraising drive for Finseca PAC, and we need your support! Finseca’s PAC is fully funded by members, like you, and is a critical tool we use to advocate for the issues that affect you and the clients you serve. Whether it’s $52 (a dollar a week), $365 (a dollar a day) or $1,500 (which qualifies you as a Bronze Ambassador), whatever you can contribute can help us meet our fundraising goal of $100,000. Click here to support our efforts and make a contribution.

Thank you to our 2024 PACTOBER donors

Gonzalo Abrigo

Paul Adams

George Alexander

Scott Allen

Kenneth Alter

Robert Angel

Thomas Archer

Hiram Arnaud

John Asfar

Scott Ashline

William Avril

Michael Babikian

Odon Bacque

Richard Baer

Bracknell Baker

Heather Bantle

Blake Barens

Christy Barilotti

Thomas Barnes

Ryan Barradas

Lawrence Barth

Todd Bass

Christopher Battersby

Greg Baune

Jeffrey Bear

Denise Beaulier

Philip Beaulieu

Ryan Beck

Mitchell Beer

Davin Bell

Philip Bender

Raymond Bening

Curtis Benton

Jay Bibelheimer

Amanda Bickley

Christopher Biles

Joseph Biondolillo

George Blaha

Keenan Blanchford

Lynn Blue

Gary Blum

Daniel Blum

Melissa Bova

Donald Bowers

Daphne Boyle

Isaac Brach

Joseph  Bragdon

Jennifer Brase

Marc Bregman

Gardner Brown

Laura Brown

Margaret Brueck

David Buckwald

Russell Bundschuh

Stephen Burk

Francis Burke

Benjamin Bush

Marc Cadin

Roger Cammon

Matthew Carothers

Louis Cassara

William Cassidy

Christy Castronovo

Aamir Chalisa

Luis Chiappy

Peter Chung

Thomas Ciardella

James Clary

Brett Clausen

James  Cleary

Joshua                  Cobb

Christopher Cocores

Gregory Cohn

Milton Cohn

Richard Colby

Tariq Collins

Frank Congilose

Mark Connely

Sheila Cooper

Christie Corado

Jerry Corless

Indira Cozine

John Crane

Clinton Crocker

David Culley

Bruce Cumby

Charles Cunningham

Vincent D’Addona

Jeffrey Dattolo

Mark Daviau

Michael Davila

Jonathan Davis

Lisa Davis

Todd Davis

Jeff Day

Jordan DeBettencourt

Paul DeCoursey

John DeDominic

Katheigh Degen

Russell Demarest

Mark Denenfeld

Joel Desjardins

Monica DeTota

Ed Deutschlander

Hannah Deutschlander

Paul Devore

Anthony Di Bernardo

Patrick DiCerbo

Larry Dietz

Joseph DiLeo

Anne Ding

David Dingess

Jeffrey Dollarhide

Anthony Domino

Joseph Donovan

Sandra Douvier

David Dragovich

Michael Dranoff

Chad Druvenga

Robert Ducato

Jason Duffy

Steven Dugal

Thomas Dumas

Jason Dummert

Judith Durham

Robert Eichler

Rafael Ekstein

Jack Elder

Daryl Ellis

Joseph Eppy

John Ertz

Kurt Fasen

Michelle Felendes

Digna Figueroa

Michele Fine

Randy Fine

David Fisher

Harris Fishman

Richard Flah

Timothy Flanagan

Corey Fleisner

Douglas Flink

Shane Foley

Chuck Foster

Jennifer Fox

Joseph Fox

James Foyt

Lance Franczyk

Stephen Frank

David Fritz

Gregory Galef

Lawrence Ganim

Robert Gardner

Mark Gelbman

Joe Gergely

Charles Giardina

Rita Gibson CLU RICP

Marshall Gifford

Bonnie Godsman

Clarence Goldsborough

Julian Good

Stephen Good

Tom Goris

Stephen Gowers

Kristofer Gray

Ron Greenberg

Stefan Greenberg

Anthony Greene

John Griffin

Joseph Guyton

Clayton Hahs

Paul Hales

Carrie Hall

Annette Hammortree

Daniel Harezlak

Travis Hart

Kerryn Havermale

Brendon Healy

Phillip Held

Jerry Hemmer

Julie Ann Hepburn

Ira Hermann

Ryan Hicks

Eric Hieber

Hampton Holcomb

Katie Holder

Brian Holmes

Ji Youn Hong

Christine Hong

Terence Horan

Mehnaz Horgan

Adam Hurd

John Iezzi

Scott Iodice

Michael Ison

Suzanne Jack

Mike James

Amy Jamrog

Leslie Janssen

Jeffrey Jarnes

Daniel Jenkins

Anne Jones

John Jones Jr

Thomas Kaiser

Pedram Kaivani

Paul Karlitz

Matthew Kasper

Yan Katz

Ronnie Kaymore

Michael Kentor

John Kerr

Armen Khadiwala

David Kiecker

Michael Kiley

Edward Kilpatrick

Alex Kim

Thomas King

George Kinigopoulos

Justin Kirby

Kenneth Knox

Ryan Kramer

Andrew Kramer

Zachary Kriftcher

Stephen Kroeger

Ben Kronish

Joseph Kruse

Mark Kull

Daniel LaBert

Chau Lai

John Lang

Nicholas Langefels

Paul LaPiana

Abbe Large

Gregory Large

Randall Lehman

Jody Lentz

Lu Ling Li

Jonathan Liebeskind

Ann Marie Liotta

Thomas Lipscomb

Genesis Loera

Scott Lomes

Joseph LoPresti

Martin Lowenthal

Rachel Lower

Burns Lowry

William Lynch

Lang MacBain

Kevin Macilvane

Peter Magni

Timothy Maguire

William Mahoney

Joseph Mallee

Michael Maresca

Patrick Marget

Dennis Martin

Jacob Martin

Mike Martini

Roman Matusz

Thomas McCartney

Marla McClain

John McCormick

Mark McCullough

Thomas McDowell

Phillip McDuffee

Edward McGill

Michael McGranahan

Dennis McMahan

Gregory McRoberts

Vivian McWhorter-Hubbard

James Meehan

Jason Mendelsohn

Anthony Mento

Mario Meola

Bruce Mesner

Lindsay Miceli

John Miller

Douglas Miller

Deborah Miner

David Mirabito

Michael Moran

William Morris

Donald Morris

Julie Muldoon

Dennis Mullen

Kevin Mulqueen

Klara Muratova

Joseph Murnane

Mark Murphy

Anna Murphy

Jeffrey Neeck

Cathy Neifeld

Bob Nienaber

John Norman

Christopher Nyland

Kevin O’Connell

Lynne O’Connor

Ferrell O’Quinn

Gregory Olsen

Jeffrey Ostrum

Anthony Pace

Alex Panas

Brian Pangburn

Jerome Pasichow

Vidal Peoples

Nathan Perlmutter

Carl Peterson

Jeffrey Peterson

Christopher Pfanstiel

Phillip Pickett

Matthew Plocher

Bob Plybon

Charles Pollock

Michael Pounds

Michael Priede

Earl Prolman

Charles Pruett

Tom Purcell

Alexandre Quantin

Robert Quinn

Ben Rainey

Gary Ranftle

Michael Raposa

Leonard Raskin

Steven Rea

Jeffrey Reeter

Christopher Rich

David Richards

Tom Riekse

John Rivers

Brian Roberts

Armstrong Robinson

Lori Rodriguez

Scott Rollin

Mark Rooney

Erin Roosa

Mickey Rosenzweig

David Rosuck

John Ruhl

Amy Salo

Mark SanGiacomo

Steve Santos

Preston Sartelle

Frank Scalese

Roberto Schaechter

Stacey Schall

Robert Scharff

Richard Schega

Joseph Scheid

Robert Schlesinger

Corey Schneider

Kevin Schneider

Gary Scholnick

Michael Schoonmaker

Mary Jane Schroeder

Gabe Schulman

Chet Schwartz

Marc Schwartz

Travis Scribner

Frederick Scruggs

Jan Sedlacek

Marguerite Seidel

Adam Sendzischew

Frank Seneco

Andrew Serzan

Tracey Shaup

Mike Shean

Harry Shepler

Keyesta Sherman

Sam Sheth

Troy Shreve

Elena Sierra

Michael Silverberg

Timothy Sinks

Kathryn Smith

Clark Smith

Brian Smith

Ryan Soulier

Defo Spencer

Francesco spezzano

Charles Stegall

Shane Stelma

Bradley Stewart

Ernest Stiba

Bill Stoddart

Douglas Stone

Leslie Streitfeld

Robert Swartzbaugh

Stephen Target

Gerard Tavella

Matthew Teel

Samuel Terrazzino

Chris Thomas

Lauren Thomas Compton

Paul Tokarz

John Toothaker

Scott Trammell

Carl Trent

Bruce Udell

Scott Underwood

Patrick Underwood

Richard Van Benschoten

George Van Dusen IV

Douglas Van Order

Russell Vandersteeg

Russell Vandevelde

Paul Vecchione

John Vogelzang

Heather Voight

Thomas Von Riesen

Gregory Wachter

Keith Wagner

William Wakeman

Brendan Walsh

Chris Walters

David Watson

Nathan Way

Mike Weintraub

Jeffrey Wells

Shara Wells

Gina Wells

Cheskel Werzberger

Brad White

Edgar Whitmore

Matthew Wichman

Steven Wight

David Wischmeier

Mark Wise

Evan Wohl

Will Worrell

Micky Wright

Wei Yang

Tim Young


Together, we elevate our profession by serving the needs of our members. We protect dreams and promote financial wellbeing for all. We are the home of the top financial security professionals. Together, we are Finseca.


Finseca events put insight and intentionality front and center, helping financial security professionals protect and enhance the financial well-being of people, families, and businesses everywhere.


As the home of the top financial security professionals, Finseca will elevate the reputation and visibility of the work our members do.


Access searchable content in one place! It has never been easier to find what you need to accelerate your business and maximize results. From deeper dives into diverse topics on policy and regulation, to one-pagers and webinars featuring experienced industry leaders, the Finseca Resource Library is your one-stop shop for quick and actionable tools.


Finseca’s Communities are designed to help meet the needs of each unique community within the financial security profession. Our model brings the profession together for issues that impact everyone, while also providing a customized, community-focused structure for discussion and collaboration in a more intimate setting for different areas of the profession.