NAILBA Chairman’s Award
The Chairman's Award, created in 2009, was developed to recognize the efforts of a NAILBA volunteer who has performed “over and above” normal expectations during the Chairman’s term.
Award Recipients
2021: Tori Van Dusen Roos 2020: Tiffany Markarian 2019: James Wong 2018: Brittany Cross 2017: John Gilbert 2016: Ken Leibow 2015: Chuck Anderson | 2014: Steve Katz 2013: Steve Howard 2012: Jeff Mooers 2011: Melinda Meyer 2010: Leon Huffman 2009: Page Broadwater |
Award Information:
- Frequency: Annual (or at Chairman’s discretion; no more than annually)
- Presentation: Given during the Opening General Session at the NAILBA Annual Meeting
- Selection Process: Selection will be solely at the Chairman’s discretion. S/He may enlist counsel if desired. Nominations will not be solicited, but suggestions may be provided to Chairman by any NAILBA member at any time throughout year.
- Who is Eligible: Any NAILBA member, partner organization, vendor, or affiliated organization. Individuals, a small group of individuals, or an organization are eligible.
- Who is NOT eligible: Past Chairmen of NAILBA, current members of the Board of Directors
- Outstanding service or efforts on behalf of NAILBA within the chairman’s term
- Efforts and service over and above normal expectations within the chairman’s term
- Outstanding leadership of a NAILBA initiative or project within the chairman’s term
- Significant contributions to NAILBA in the areas of technology, education, communications, or marketing within the chairman’s term